Monthly Archives: March 2019

Pig year Dragon horoscope
Horoscope 2019 for the Chinese sign of the Dragon We now look at the fifth sign of the Chinese zodiac, which is the Dragon. As a Dragon, you have been through an eventful year in 2018, as you were meeting with your opposite sign the Dog, The clash between the two energies forced you to evaluate your priorities and focus […]

2019, year of the Earth Pig: Chinese horoscope for the ...

Rabbit horoscope 2019
Horoscope 2019 for the Chinese sign of the Rabbit We now look at the fourth sign of the Chinese zodiac, which is the Rabbit. In Bazi, the Goat and Pig years are usually favourable to the Rabbit sign. This is due to the fact that those three signs together form what is known as the Wood frame in Chinese astrology. The […]

2019, year of the Earth Pig: Chinese horoscope for the ...

Dog year horoscope Horse
Horoscope 2018 for the sign of the Horse The Horse sign is actually one of the luckiest signs of the Chinese zodiac during the Dog year. The Dog sign combines auspiciously with your energy, and you are in luck when you see a Dog year. Let see your horoscope in details. Keep in mind that his horoscope is based on […]

2018, year of the Dog: Chinese horoscope for the Horse

Dog year Snake sign
Horoscope 2018 for the sign of the Snake The Snake sign benefits from a good influence for work and money in 2018, but will feel a bit edgy in its love life. If you know how to approach those influences, it can also be a year of progresses still. Let see your horoscope in details. Keep in mind that his […]

2018, year of the Dog: Chinese horoscope for the Snake

Year 2018 Earth Dog
While the Western New Year has already started on the 1st of January 2018, the Chinese New year is yet to come. In this article I am going to explain why you should celebrate the Chinese New Year, even if you are from another culture! But first, a simple matter. When does it even start? Let’s see the Chinese calendar […]

When does the Chinese Year of the Dog start, and ...

November 2017
Here are your Bazi/Four Pillars of destiny, as well as your 12 Chinese signs forecast for the Yin Metal month of the Pig, starting on the 7th of November 2017. Remember that while the general influence affects you, the only accurate predictions are made on your full individual Bazi chart. Contact me now to understand your destiny through your 4 Pillars and we’ll set […]

Chinese horoscope for the Pig month, November 2017.

Bazi August 2017
Here are your Bazi/Four Pillars of destiny, as well as your 12 Chinese signs forecast for the Monkey month starting on the 7th of August 2017. Remember that while the general influence affects you, the only accurate predictions are made on your full individual Bazi chart; contact me to order your chart and to know the whole story about your overall life blueprint and […]

Chinese horoscope for the Monkey month, August 2017.

Feng Shui Rabbit month 2017
Welcome back for your Feng Shui luck boost of the month. I know that you love those great activations that you can easily do at home to manifest quickly a boost in your career, finances and luck. Make sure you follow my Facebook page closely then as I’ll have big news to announce soon for the Feng Shui luck boost…. […]

Feng Shui luck boost for the Rabbit month, March 2017.

Goat horoscope 2017
Before you read the Goat horoscope for 2017, year of the Fire Rooster, you might want to understand the Chinese calendar concepts. The introduction to these predictions can be found in this article: 2017 Horoscope for the 12 Chinese signs: year of the Fire Rooster. Horoscope 2017 for the Goat For you whom are born under the Goat sign, 2017 should be […]

The Goat horoscope for 2017, year of the Fire Rooster.

December Rat month
Here we are, back on the Chinese astrology blog for another month. Before I get into the Bazi analysis of January, the Yin Metal Ox month, let’s review as usual what has happened during the previous month. The Yang Metal Rat month has been eventful again, with the terror attacks that I was foreseen. You can find my initial predictions […]

Chinese astrology: world news review of December 2016, Rat month.

Flying star Feng Shui Ox month
Welcome back: here is your January Feng Shui luck boost. On my blog, I invite you every month to find a free Feng Shui method, easy to implement to boost your own luck. I am sharing here a technique that activates a precise sector/direction in your house (or business) with the combination of Feng Shui, Qi Men Dun Jia oracle and monthly […]

Your free Feng Shui luck boost for January 2017, Ox ...

Four Pillars Dog month
Here are your Bazi/Four Pillars of destiny, as well as your 12 Chinese signs forecast for the Yang Earth Dog onth of October 2016. I also invite you to read my monthly Bazi forecast for the Dog month and to not miss the chance to experience your Feng Shui luck boost for this month. Remember that while the general influence affects you, […]

Chinese astrology: 12 signs & Bazi forecast for October 2016, ...

8 directions Feng Shui London
In this article I’ll examine the macro aspects of London’s Feng Shui, in term of topography, layout and landscape. London is the most expensive European capital, in term of housing prices but also for…pretty much everything else, along with Paris oh la la…It is also the European cocaine capital, as measured in tap water, for a second year in a […]

The Feng Shui of London

Rooster Monkey Bazi
Welcome back to and the Chinese metaphysics blog, the place to read about Feng Shui and Bazi and to understand the mecanics of those Asian philosophies. After a well deserved summer break that took me to Colombia, at the time of the historical peace treaty, I am now back with the Bazi predictions for the month of September. Some […]

Bazi world predictions for September 2016, Rooster month.

Directions Feng Shui August 2016.
Like every Chinese month, you can find on this blog a free Feng Shui method, easy to implement for a real luck boost every month. I am sharing here a technique to boost your monthly luck by activating a precise sector/direction in your house (or business) with the combination of Feng Shui, Qi Men Dun Jia oracle and monthly Flying stars. To not […]

Feng Shui money & luck boost for the Monkey month, ...

Chinese astrology Snake
Welcome back to  and the Chinese metaphysics blog, where we talk about monthly Feng Shui, Bazi and world events. In this article we’ll explore what happened during the Snake month of May 2016 in regards to my Chinese astrology predictions, that you can find here. In italic are excerpt of my previous article…First, let’s see if the natural disasters […]

Chinese astrology for June 2016, Horse month. Part 1: review ...

May 2016 Chinese astrology
Finally, here are the predictions for your Bazi and Chinese signs for the Yin Water Snake month of May 2016. The first part is a review of the Dragon month of April 2016. Part 2 is the world forecast for this Yin Water Snake month of May 2016. Remember that while the general influence affects you, the only accurate predictions […]

Chinese astrology: the 12 signs & Bazi forecast for May ...

Bazi April 2016
Welcome back to my Feng Shui & Bazi blog, with an article that apparently you like: a review of the last Chinese month and what happened in the world in regard to my Bazi predictions. Don’t forget that if you want to be kept up to date with my posts you can follow me on: And so […]

Chinese astrology for the Snake month, May 2016. Part 1: ...

Sectors Feng Shui April 2016
Like every Chinese month, you can find on this blog a free Feng Shui method, easy to implement for a real luck boost every month. I am sharing here a technique to boost your monthly luck by activating a precise sector/direction in your house (or business) with the combination of Feng Shui, Qi Men Dun Jia oracle and sometimes monthly […]

Feng Shui money & luck boost for the Dragon month, ...