Economy and development during the Wood Snake year
As mentioned I don’t foresee a rash or major recession during the Wood Snake year 2025. There is however some areas that will benefit more than some others. The Water Element is absent and get little support from its ressource Element Metal this year. Fire is its money Element and there is plenty…The trick is that there is not enough support in my opinion for Water related industries to access all this wealth. What does it means? Water is especially related to transport, hospitality and tourism. With the optimism and artistic qualities brought by the Wood Snake, tourism should fare well. Some of transport industries however will be in a difficult situation. The Fire-Metal combo of the Snake can bring some mechanical problems and explosions; those incidents should be seen this year in planes, boats and train. They will erode public trust and have immediate consequences on the stock market values of those companies. Boeing we’re all looking at you; could you make sure you srew everything tightly this year? Trains in particular are really at risk as the image of the Snake is very similar to a sinuous train. The month of June is particularly complex for transports with its Fire-Water intense clash. But the Tiger month of February and Monkey month of August, being in what is called a Fire penalty with the Snake could bring crashes and explosions.
There is another transport problem that is more political; the dynamics of the year talk about imposing new rules such as tariff, borders and restrictions on transport and especially import-export. Trump has obviously already set the tone. So it’s the sector of freight and all the economy around transporting to other countries that is likely to be affected this year and that is under pressure. Last year insurances were the great loser and they will remain in a difficult situation this year as they are rules by the Earth Element. Earth is in weird position this year: it gets support from Fire but is used a bit by Wood and doesn’t see its wealth Element, Water. So Earth industries like insurance and real estate are not yet stable. Overall I’d say that transports and insurance are the industries more at risk this year.
The Wood related industries are in a weird conundrum. Wood is present showing that they are a focus, and Earth the wealth of Wood is also in this year. There is however a lack of resources for those industries without Water, and the Wood is used by Fire and coerced by the Metal. What I think we’ll see is restructuring in those fields. I expect big reforms in education and laws especially relating to properties in 2025. I also foresee at least one merging or reframing of companies relating to fashion or textile. The dance between the male Yang Metal and the female Yin Wood is also showing a clear return to more based and traditional values and way less wokeness, especially in regards to the gender madness. Alleluia.
The strong Fire and the presence of Fire wealth Element in the form of Metal will however benefits Fire industries. We are talking electronics, computers, high tech, telecom and anything relating to space. The Chi at works bring the idea of innovation in the field of supraconductivity. In 2026 I expect a revolution with quantum computers but the way will be paved by the Snake year 2025. As I write the US has just announced their Stargate AI project. The Yin Snake year is perfect for such topic: the strong Fire brings fast development, the Yin Wood brings imagination and new path and the Metal the tech and infrastructure. Here dear readers I am going to remind you again that those people don’t work for us however. Behind this project is the technocratic state expanding its reach. I keep coming back to this Geng-Yi combination (Yang Metal-Yin Wood) which can also represents heavy forces such as technology used to curtain freedoms, represented by Yin Wood. I don’t foresee a situation like Covid but this astrology is the perfect time to implement a controlling big brother machine and disguise it under fancy name such as progress, AI, techno revolution and so on. A Snake is also a name for two-faced people…In the technocratic arc the inception of this new tech world order is the Snake year and it should reach its peak during the Rooster year 2029. Of course it has been prepared in the shadow for a long time…I hope that the Fire that can also be a wild card against the coercion of the Metal and derail this wet dream of AI monitoring our everyday lives. I’ve recently watched again the 2008 movie Eagle eye and it might give you a taste of what to come.
Another topic that will advance this year are smart cities. To be simple, every time they use the adjective smart it means curtailing of freedoms. The subtle oppression carried out by the Wood Snake is ideal for such projects, which are truly dystopian giant prisons disguised as shiny progress. This Snake year is however ideal to implement new visions of urbanism and architecture and we should see ambitious projects of urban renovation and development flourish this year and some will be more benevolent than smart cities.
Space exploration is going to become a big focus starting from this year. Fire is related to space (because it goes up) and the fast paced Snake can represent celestial objets. The growth of Fire brings Mars as a hot topic from for the next 3 years and everything relating to space and space exploration will be a focus in 2025. Connected to this, we have talk about aliens and disclosure. Late 2024 has been crazy in that regards with a lot of info being fed to us about the existence of aliens and UFO. It taps into the whimsical qualities of the Dragon year. 2025 will continue the trend as the Yin Wood Snake mixes imagination and tech, and what better topic that UFO or UAP to capture this vibe? I would however rather expect a full disclosure in 2026. Keep in mind however that we are served a narrative and that one goal is to unite the world in fear and possibly leads to one world government. You can look into project blue beam…It is entirely possible that governments have had advanced tech and energy sources for decades if not centuries but want to disguise their reveal as innovation coming from “extra terrestrial” materials and origins. The biggest reveal of period 9, that goes from 2024 to 2044 is in my opinion what concerned aliens and their nature. They are probably not extra-terrestrial and have been interacting with humanity from other dimensions from a long time. How to reveal such things without creating mass panic and reshaping the entire philosophical and theological views of humanity? That is the question…
Energy in all its forms is going to be a hot topic for 3 years will all the surge of Fire. The inception of new forms of energy could either be developed or simply revealed this year or in 2026. With Yin Wood not well supported by the Snake and with Metal combining off this Wood, ecology is not the flavour of 2025. My predictions is that we’re going to see a rebirth and surge of traditional energies, oil in particular. With Metal and Fire using Wood, there will be lack of concern for the environment and more exploitation of nature. For example fracking or drilling oil in some places previously protected. The plus side is that we should be the defeat of greenwashed fake ecology, selling us wind turbines and electric car as progress and ecology. This scam will be way less appealing during the Yin Wood Snake year
Another Fire industry that should greatly benefits from this Snake year is the movie industry. Since last year we are in a phase of growth again for the boxoffice and Hollywood, due to Fire getting stronger and Water receding. This year with Metal and Wood presents, the movie industry should be very robust and make a lot of money. 2025 and 2026 should be record years for the box office. In that field I am also expecting technical innovation with possibly a new form of screen, cinema or video game experience to appear during those 2 years.
I know a lot of you are into crypto money. To understand the evolution of crypto in 2025 we first have to decide what is the ruling Element of such money. Traditionally money is associated with the Metal Element, which for a long time was what it was based on. Crypto and their volatile and entirely virtual nature however are in my opinion much more ruled by the Fire Element. Therefore they are likely to remain a robust trade in the next 3 years and maybe not so much after that. The Snake year brings both Fire and Metal which is the ideal ground for crypto to flourish and should also favour stock market.
Epidemic, natural disasters and attacks during the Yin Wood Snake year
To anyone awakened and who can think, it is obvious that what was unleashed on the world in 2020-2021 was a plan rather than a natural occurrence. It left most of us in PTSD and the question is when those madmen will unleash the next pandemics on us. I was honestly betting on 2024 to be that year, as some astrological conditions were lining up for it. The Snake year 2025 brings mixed influences in that regard but I think we’re safe. Two parts that are worrisome only to some extent. The first is that Fire is getting strong and its intensity can attack the lungs, which are ruled by Metal. The lack of Water also means a dryness that is detrimental to the lungs that needs some moisture. The other aspect is that the Flying Star 2 is during the Snake year landing in the centre. In general the Flying Stars 2 and 5 can bring illnesses where they land. And when it is in the centre, it brings the image of a illness that can spread in all directions. There is a subtlety however. Now that we have moved to period 9, the Flying Star 2 is becoming gradually an auspicious star and is losing its negativity. The main question is: are we deep enough in period 9 to consider this Star as fully positive, as period 9 started last year and is spread over 20 years. In my opinion it has already lost most of its negative impact.On another side, the Yang Metal-Yin Wood combo that I come back to can represent temporary curtailing of freedom and the lack of Water can represent less movements. To conclude I don’t think there will be a worldwide epidemics during the Snake year 2025. I however think that there will be localised, regional illnesses affecting the lungs and that movement of population could be temporarily limited as a result. It could be anywhere but as the Star 5 that can triggers illnesses lands in Northeast this year, Northeast area of each continents or country could be more affected. If they appear more in central countries such as Central America then we’ll know that the 2 Star is still fairly negative. The silver lining is that I don’t foresee a return to a world paralysed like in 2020. Sigh of relief.
It’s not the most cheerful chapter but astrology strongly influence what we classify as natural disasters. Last year I foresaw with great accuracy devastating hurricanes and strong flooding. What is it gonna be this year then? Hurricanes are linked to the Wood energy in particular and you have noticed that Yin Wood shows up this year. So the likelihood of strong winds and hurricanes remain and I think they will again be damaging. Tornadoes are likely to be very strong and damaging as the Fire and Wood, as well as the twisting movement of the Yin Wood and Snake scream tornadoes to me. I am convinced that one or more strong tornadoes will make the news in 2025.
The likeliness of devastating flooding is less strong this year, due to the absence of Water Element of course. Yin Wood can weakens the Earth however and during the months when more Wood show up we could see more big earthquakes. The Yin Earth Rabbit of March 2025 and the Yang Metal Dragon month of April are strong candidates and to a lesser extent the Yang Wood Monkey month of August. For the same reason major landslides or mudslides could also occur this year.
What about volcanic eruptions? Volcanoes could be awakened due to the Fire rising. This is a hot topic (see what I did here?) in the next 3 years, as Fire will be overly strong. So yes volcanoes will likely awaken this year or the next.The Yang Fire Dog month aka October 2025 and to a lesser extent the following Pig month are good candidates, so to speak.
Wildfires or fires from arsonists will still make the news during this hot astrological Yin Wood Snake year. With the Wood feeding Fire, they are likely to be widespread and devastating. And not induced by any BS climate change. Explosions are very likely to occur during this year especially during the Tiger, Snake and Monkey month, respectively February, May and August. The Yang Fire Dog month of October is also explosive in nature. The same months are also more likely to carry attacks of any sort, psy-ops or real. The last Snake year was 2013 and it brought us the Boston marathon bombing. This type of events can occur in 2025; the Snake by its own nature always carry a certain aggressiveness and danger. The Metal removing Wood can manifest some assassination or attempts on important figures. The month of May, a Yin Metal Snake and therefore doubling the Snake energy, is full of tensions conductive to such events. Stabbing attacks will remain a regular occurrence under the astrology of the year. And now for some cheerful news…
Positive trends during the Snake year 2025
This part is the necessary counterbalance to some of the previous paragraphs; i don’t want my readers to take valium or prozac to read my articles. Some good news that I’ve announced are the tendency toward more peace and especially the likely resolution of the Ukraine-Russia conflict. The Yang Fire contained within the Snake and the beginning of the Fire season brings generally more hope and confidence on our planet. Hard to fathom considering that we are ruled by absolute psychopaths, but there are other forces at work in this world…
This Snake years really encourage creativeness and invention overall. There are perfect astrological conditions for some very interesting developments. In particular some revolutionary fabric are likely to appear with the combination of Wood-Metal-Fire. Aesthetic is the key word for the Yin Wood Snake year and we should witness astonishing arts and craft and artistic creations in 2025. Interior design is a profession in particular that I see very much associated with this Chi. The world of fashion will be a strong focus this year and we can expect spectacular creations and new trends. There will be a tendency to try to blend technology and more natural approach. The Yin Wood Snake year is ideal to launch new trends in many areas but especially for fashion accessories, gaming and toys.
Hair styling is also a hot topic during this Snake year. The wedding industry should thrive, the Chi of the year bringing a desire for unions and for lavish parties. I have talked about the vigour of the cinema industry this yea and in general the year favour artist and creation, especially in visual arts. Comics and graphic novels should thrive again . The Yin Wood Snake is a lot about curves and sinuous move; therefore I expect calligraphy to be a renewed interest this year, and also possibly the creation of a new influential font. Calligraphy and traditional patterns are likely to be influential elements of design this year. If you’re in the field of design and graphic design, I have good news for you: this should be an excellent year for those fields and designers will normally be in high demand. The world is hungry for cool graphics during this Yin Wood Snake year. Communication will be more visual than verbal in my opinion. Personally I hope we’ll see the return of more enigmatic movie posters, the type Saul Bass used to design.
This curvaceous year should also bring movement with possibly the launch of a new style of danse. I pray the gods that we won’t see a rebirth of the tecktonik dance that France unleashed on the world two decades ago. If you don’t know it consider yourself lucky. Still the year should be a good one for the music industry, with spectacular shows and visual and new singers-songwriters emerging due to the Wood-Fire. Dance will also be focus during this Snake because this sign that is about bending and twisting.
The field of medicine and healing in general should also progress, especially in domains such as eyes and optics, heart and blood circulation and mobility. We can expect cybernetic implants for blinds or paralysed people to gain momentum. It is worth noting that the Snake is an animal associated with healing and movement of the Chi in many cultures; therefore it is a good year to heal and especially explore modality of healing via frequencies and energy (magnetism, sound healing, rife machine etc). To finish I’d like to reflect on numerology or gematria, which for the Western calendar sees 2025 as a year number 9. The 9 invites us to search for knowledge, often esoteric in nature. It is the end of a cycle rather than the beginning of a new one. The 9 is associated with travel and being on a quest. It is a number of completion that invites us to see how far we have come, close what needs to be closed and prepare for the rebirth and new cycle of the 1. The Yang Fire Horse year of 2026 will be under the 1 and a year that will be a game changer. Until then I wish you to fully enjoy the Chi of the Yin Wood Snake year 2025.
I invite you to get in touch for your personalised predictions and Feng Shui 2025.
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