The Ox horoscope for 2017, year of the Fire Rooster. 9

Before you read the Ox horoscope for 2017, year of the Fire Rooster, you might want to understand the Chinese calendar concepts. The introduction to these predictions can be found in this article: 2017 Horoscope for the 12 Chinese signs: year of the Fire Rooster.

Horoscope 2017 for the Ox

Good news my dear Ox: you are the best sign during this year of the Rooster!

The Monkey year has been for you a big of learning curve on human nature and at a peace that you didn’t always enjoy. The Rooster year is however going to be very special for you. In Chinese astrology, the Metal Element is formed through the combination of the Snake, Rooster and Ox signs. You are therefore the last part of this combination; which means that you’ll receive some good influences and intel from the Rooster itself.

There will however be some tensions in the first half of the year during which the Fire influence will trigger you a bit. You could therefore be under the first impression that this year doesn’t work for you…The second half however should allow you to make giants leaps. And love could also show up. My Ox friend, this is YOUR year: use it wisely.

The Ox love life during the Rooster year

As usual in astrology, the nature of the influence and how you will experience them depend of your full chart: the Bazi or Four Pillars in destiny in that case. While keeping this in mind, the planets are aligned for you in 2017 to meet one nice person, Ox. Or maybe more than one…The alchimical reaction between your sign and the Rooster sign ruling this year will manifest lucky meeting with interesting, potentially fascinating characters. The two energies opposed during the Fire Rooster year – namely the yin Metal and yin Fire – bring openings to both men and women Oxen. If you are a woman, you can meet all year long. During the first half the type you attract is more dominant and ongoing; during the second half, expect some kind and soft partners. If you are a man, the first half can seem to not work until the Rooster energy arise; then love will show up. If however you are already in a relationship, the year will feel different and is testing you a bit. Either the passion is relighted during the first half of the year, or tensions will appear. If your couple doesn’t go beyond the month of August, take some distance and realise that the Rooster year helps you in many ways.

The Ox work and money during the Rooster year

It is also a major year for this area of your life, people born under the Ox. Women will have more chance to be promoted or rise their salary. For men, it come to the condition of being diplomatic and avoiding fighting with your superiors at first. The Ox, like most horned animal, can sometimes want to head-butt…Do keep in mind however that real opportunities for your career evolution will show up soon or later during this Rooster year. If you are looking for work, keep looking as the Chi of the Fire Rooster year is auspicious for you to find some. If you work on your own, it is a good year to create partnerships, negotiate some contract and set new collaborations in motion. The Snake month of May 2017 could be exceptional in that regard. Finally it is also a great year to find your true calling and train yourself to change career. When it comes to finding your calling, astrology and a Four Pillars analysis can really help you.

For your finances, as for the Rat, unexpected expenses could at first manifest. The year is however good to get more money, no matter what you are doing for a living. You should land on your feet and most likely increase your revenues in 2017.

The Ox health during the Rooster year

In this area of your life, the year is helping you to take of yourself care and find a second youth. You can easily find natural methods to do so, and a lifestyle that works better for you. Just stop fighting with your own body, especially during spring and summer. Aggressive methods such as extreme diet or face peeling could then bring the opposite result. It is a year to gently take nuture your body, work on your flexibility, receive massages, go green as often as needed…It is also a year during which you could efficiently recharge your batteries and gain new insights on yourself. It is an excellent year to learn and study any topic. Finally it is a year during which your social life can really evolve positively if you know how to soften your speech.

Good or bad, it’s all a question of adapting. Even during a stormy weather, any sign can have a great year. The key is to know what is coming for you, prepare and adapt. And did you know that you can have one, but also two, three or even four Ox signs in your birth chart? It is called the Bazi or Four Pillars of destiny. This form of Chinese astrology that I specialise in provides you with your personal map for this life, to find your true calling, know your timing and evolve positively. To know your true self and foresee what is ahead for you during the Rooster year of 2017, contact me now for your Bazi consultation.

Ox horoscope 2017

The Ox sign by Ai Wei Wei, and its horoscope by Laurent Langlais! Credit: