The Dog horoscope for 2017, year of the Fire Rooster. 3

Before you read the Dog horoscope for 2017, year of the Fire Rooster, you might want to understand the Chinese calendar concepts. The introduction to these predictions can be found in this article: 2017 Horoscope for the 12 Chinese signs: year of the Fire Rooster.

For the Dog sign, the Yin Fire Rooster is quite a special year. It actually brings some Chi that is quite close to your own. While the Dog year of 2018 will be your “karmic” year with intense psychoanalysis, 2017 is when you manifest a better, more fulfilling social life. You will have several opportunities to expand your social circle and to network. For your work, you will however feel a bit stuck. The year is unlikely to be spectacular, but your inner growth is real. It is a year during which you can learn new tricks that will prove useful for your future. Overall it should be a positive year, although a slow one.

The Dog love life during the Rooster year

In love, it is a bit the year of a status quo. If you are in a relationship, your couple is probably working well now. It is a cosy relationship that is probably drama-free this year (well it all depends of the rest of your Bazi!). Dogs do like faithfulness and habits. Nevertheless, aim at seeing that difference in opinions existing in your couple and check if you are still both looking in the same direction. 2018 will be a trickier year, and you need to anticipate problems or source of tensions. Better safe than sorry really…As for single people, it is not a very helpful year to meet. Exception is made for LGBT people, whom have more possibilities. The year actually brings a “mirror” effect to your sign that can mean meeting someone from the same gender. For all the Dogs, while it’s not the strongest year for love, there is much to be looking forward to with friendship.

The Dog work and money during the Rooster year

This is the area where you going to experience some stillness. With your no-nonsense and down-to-earth nature, you will probably accommodate this lack of evolution well, Dogs. It is unlikely to be a year of massive changes in your professional life. You are a good team player this year, as you are able to scout for the right information to share and manage people efficiently. If you are freelancing, think of developing partnerships. It can be as easy as an exchange of articles between blogs, a conference, associate with some products and services etc. If you are looking for work however, it could be a frustrating year. Everything is slow and takes time. You have an affinity with the Rooster sign however, so you should eventually get what you want but it takes time.

For your money situation, it is a rather slow year too. It is a time when you better keep it and be conservative. A bird in one hand is better than two in the bush: this is your motto this year. The good thing is that you are also unlikely to have unexpected big expenses. And so in many ways, it is a year of status quo….

The Dog health during the Rooster year

Physically as well as mentally, it could be an easier year for you. There are no adverse influences in this year that would bring accidents or burnout to your sign…quite the contrary: if you have felt down in 2016, you should feel better in 2017. The Rooster year is excellent to recharge your batteries. It is THE year to take care of yourself and get better. It can be a good year to review your diet and correct your bad habits. It can also be a good time to work on your body with massages, Rolfing, physiotherapy, yoga etc. Mentally, you should be quite serene. And while your mind is quieter, it is a good time to examine your frustrations in life and aim at gently work on yourself. It will prepare a better ground for the Dog year of 2018 and its deep effect on you. While your life is quieter, do take advantage of this time to create a good karma that will help others and that will help you in years to come.

Good or bad, it’s all a question of adapting. Even during a stormy weather, any sign can have a great year. The key is to know what is coming for you, prepare and adapt. And did you know that you can have one, but also two, three or even four Dog signs in your birth chart? It is called the Bazi or Four Pillars of destiny. This form of Chinese astrology that I specialise in provides you with your personal map for this life, to find your true calling, know your timing and evolve positively. To know your true self and foresee what is ahead for you during the Rooster year of 2017, contact me now for your Bazi consultation.

Dog horoscope 2017

The Rooster sign by Ai Weiwei, and its 2017 horoscope by Laurent Langlais! Credit: