Finally, here are the predictions for your Bazi and Chinese signs for the Yang Wood Horse month of June 2016. The first part is a review of the Snake month of May 2016. Part 2 are my world predictions for this Yang Wood Horse month of May 2016.

The Wood Horse month is going to be full of Fire. Copyright:
Remember that while the general influence affects you, the only accurate predictions are made on your full individual Bazi chart; contact me to order your chart and to know the whole story about your overall life blueprint and personal tendencies for the year.
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Let’s start with the 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac = your year of birth. Remember that likewise, it is only 1/4 of your chart: the year Pillar. A Four Pillar Bazi chart is made of a year, month, day and time Pillar, not the year only.
- The Rats do not have a good time this month. As the direct opposite of the Horse, they can expect arguments, potential money problems and generally a month when they have to be cautious in all things. Romance could be good however, but for men rather than for women;
- The Oxen do not like all the Fire and Wood of the month. Expect people on your back, nitpickers and freeloaders around. Everyone will want something from you…Pace yourself and know when to say know. Avoid direct confrontations as you would lose arguments more easily this month;
- The Tigers have a much better time this month. It can be great for partnerships of all sort, to develop friendship, to network and to go out. After the difficult month of May, you are now on a roll and should use your charisma that is at its max for this year;
- The Rabbits will be in a competitive environment, but can prove themselves, impress people and make money. There are some fights that you cannot avoid getting into this month, but if you work hard you might be rewarded equally;
- The Dragons are out of their comfort zone. A lot of Elements are opposing your views and challenging you this month. Time to go for your annual Dragon’s sleep, take some well deserved rest, and come back to impress people later on. No need to fight a fight that you cannot win…
- The Snakes can have a good time with their social life. Time to make new friends, and maybe find someone special. The month is also supportive for money and you can make more if you are self-employed, but your work environment will be a bit competitive this month;
- The Horses are at a time when they reflect on who they are and where they want to go from there. You will be tempted to go for parties and adopt the sex, drug and rockn’roll attitude, but best would be to pace yourself, sleep more and do a gentle psycho-analysis;
- The Goats are the strong sign of the month. The Horse is your helper and you have an affinity with the Wood. You can complete some projects, gain supports and generally experience some lucky meetings seemingly arranged by destiny. Ask, and you should receive this month;
- The Monkeys are a bit under attack this month. What you must do is accept to transform and evolve; find other ways to do what you do, meet new people, get out of your comfort zone basically. If you do, there is much to be gained and you could make giant leaps in your understanding of life this month;
- The Roosters have a difficult time this month. The Chi is against you, so you better be conservative in everything you do and do not take inconsiderate risks. That being said, the Horse is also your Peach Blossom star. You could have opportunities for summer love or romance, but it works better for women this month than men;
- The Dogs are like the Tiger the best signs of the month, as they also form the Fire form with the Horse. It is a good time to network and finish some projects started earlier this month. You can feel a bit of electricity in the air and some people might try controlling you, but if you keep a level head you should have the upper hand;
- The Pigs are reflecting on all their relationship this month. Time for some Facebook culling but also to be there for your friends, and look closely into your love life. Like the Monkeys, you should venture a bit out of your comfort zone this month and rise to the occasion of evolving, as there is much to be gained.
Now we move to the Bazi tendency if you know your day master. I have found that some of you don’t know the type of Bazi that they have, but you all tend to know your day master, hence this new format stating this month…
- Jia, the Yang Wood. You are in a a competitive environment this month and will tend to give a lot of yourself. Be careful as the burnout could be near…That being said, if something is not right, it can be a good month to express yourself and speak openly. You can also make some money.
- For the Yin Wood (Yi), you can make new friends and generally have a good time. You are rather in the flow this month and should get some supports from your network. It can be a good time to claim back some money that you landed;
- For the Yang Fire (Bing), the time is for collaborations. You can find support to get your projects off the ground and gather good will around you. You might find yourself into a leadership position this month, so use it wisely;
- For the Yin Fire (Ding), you can fall into arguments and competition this month. That being said, you also have some support like the Yang Fire. Your family might be demanding, especially your siblings; know when to say no, but be there for others who will sincerely need you still;
- For the Yang Earth (Wu), the month is a weird push-pull dynamics. IT can work for women for are looking to meet someone, but men will be under greater stress. Avoid being confrontational, especially with your boss. You will feel the urge to perform and do things and can channel this into sport and physical activities rather than aggressiveness;
- The Yin Earth (Zi) can have a great time in networking and meeting new friends. You are in demands and the month is rather supportive and harmonious for you. It could also very well be the month of a new romance, or at least of a close friendship…with some possible benefits;
- The Yang Metal (Geng) are under quite a bit of stress this month. The Horse is not exactly your friend and you have to be careful with mistakes at work or in your private life which could backfire. It is hard work for you this month Yang Metal, no pain no gain really…
- The Yin Metal (Xin) can shine and be noticed, and also make money. The month remains stressful as there is too much Fire for your taste, but it will benefit you from time to time. Go out and meet people; it is especially good for the women;
- The Yang Water (Ren) will experience a very transformative month. Relationship and your children, if you have any, are the focus of this month. It is a good time to initiate new projects, communicate and help your body if you suffer from ailment. There is much to be gained for you this month;
- The Yin Water (Gui) can make money but will also see some of their initiatives blocked. Don’t be too cocky and know which fight to lead and which one to leave. Romance can be good for women, but men will experience more tensions overall.
As you can see, a lot can be said and predicted from just a Stem and Branch of the month and its interaction with the current year. But what is in store for YOU until for the years to come? When should you make your business move? What is the best profession for you? When can you meet a good partner at last? If you want to master your destiny and get much more out of your life, get in touch now so we can analyse your unique Bazi chart and then improve your life through a Feng Shui consultation in London, Paris, Budapest or wherever you are at the moment.
As I will be away for the summer, I wish to offer you 30% on all Bazi consultations for this month only! I can only take a limited amount of people so don’t hesitate and contact me now through
And dont’ forget my great Feng Shui & Qimen luck boost for this month!
Pingback: Chinese astrology for June 2016, Horse month. Part 1: review of last month. – Laurent Langlais