Feng Shui luck boost for the Dragon month, April 2017. 2

Welcome back for your Feng Shui luck boost of the month. I know that you love those great activations you easily do at home to boost your career, finances and luck. Well, have you seen the big news?

On top of this first Feng Shui activation in the month, you can now get 3 extra every month: one every week. ALL YEAR LONG!

That’s right: I have finally launched the exclusive monthly VIP Black Tortoise membership: a unique Feng Shui club and subscription that gives you 3 extra exclusive, premium Feng Shui luck boosts/activations every single month. One every week!

Those Feng Shui activations allow you to further boost your luck from home to manifest an easier life, month after month. So what exactly are you waiting for?

It’s affordable and so easy to join to start being in the flow now!

Simply follow the registration process on this page to start accessing this exclusive monthly content

April 2017 good luck Feng Shui

It could be your lucky month…Credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/zetotal/

Feng Shui activation for the Yang Wood Dragon month

The Yang Wood Dragon month starts on the 5th of April 2017 in the Chinese solar calendar. I now publish the good sectors for the month in a separate article, that is coming soon. So let’s focus on boosting your luck early on this month.

To all Black Tortoise members: your extra 3 Feng Shui luck boosts will be put online on the 8th of April. You’ll see them by logging in.

Your Feng Shui Luck boost is the sector/room to activate as follow.

Saturday the 8th of April 2017

Southeast sector

ALWAYS use your local time.

If your country is under DST/summer time, use:

Time: 18:00-22:00 (6 pm to 10 pm)

If your country is not under DST/summer time, use:

Time: 17:00-21:00 (5 pm to 9 pm)

While Southeast is not the “lucky sector” of the month, here we are using two 2 hours activations for the Southeast and one for the day that is good too. So this specific day and times are real good for the Southeast sector.  If you need to go out before it ends, it’s ok to stop the feature as long as you have done at least 2 hours. If you can, do the 4 hours.

This month activations will help you with promotion/to get noticed for your work and shall also boost your overall luck.

Don’t you want more lucky activation like this one every week?

Then join the Feng Shui club now!

How to do the Feng Shui & Qimen activation?

  • Northern hemispheres countries

We are now under the daylight saving/DST in the Northern hemisphere.

I have therefore adapted the time that I give to match the solar time of the oracle.

  1. Use your LOCAL TIME and do no change anything else.
  2. The time that you are using is: 18:00 to 22:00 (6 pm to 10 pm).
  3. Put your fan or water feature in the Southeast sector of your home, or business premises.
  4. Start it between 18:00 and 18:30 (6-6:30 pm).
  5. Leave it on and then turn it off after 22:00 (10 pm).
  • Southern hemispheres countries

If you are living in the Southern hemisphere, you are not anymore under the DST/daylight saving time as your seasons are reversed.

  1. Use your LOCAL TIME and do no change anything else.
  2. Use the following hours: 17:00 to 21:00 (5 pm to 9 pm).
  3. Put your fan or water feature in the Southeast sector of your home, or business premises.
  4. Start it between 17:00 and 17:30 (5-5:30 pm).
  5. Leave it on and then turn it off after 21:00 (9 pm).

The whole method to do those Feng Shui activations properly and step by step is now on this page. Please make sure you read it well.

By now you have seen how efficient are those luck boost in helping you with good luck, money and your career. I am so excited about now offering them to you every week through the VIP Black Tortoise Membership. A solution to thrive in your life is also to have a Feng Shui consultation to transform you home and business and a Bazi consultation to know where to go in life in 2017, year of the Rooster.

As I am constantly doing business between London, Paris and Budapest, it is easier to contact me through my email: laurent@laurentlanglais.com

If you want to keep having on free Feng Shui luck boost every month, help my site to grow. The way to do this:


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