
acupuncture chinese medicine UK
Today I have invited Alex Kolaczynski, doctor in Chinese medicine, to explain how we can all better balance our health and the energy of this Yang Fire Monkey year 2016 through Chinese medicine. Alex and I sometimes work together for clients who wants a complete package: Feng Shui, Bazi & Chinese medicine. While Alex is the medical expert, the Bazi […]

Fire Monkey 2016: the right Chinese medicine for a better ...

Birmingham's Bull Ring Centre
The Yang Fire Monkey year started on the 4th of February for the solar calendar: the 8th of February is for the lunar start. It is therefore the right time to see what the year has in store for your sign of birth, based on the Chinese Zodiac. In this series of 12 articles I will explore with you the […]

Chinese horoscope 2016: the Monkey year’s forecast for the Ox.

Rat forecast 2016
The Yang Fire Monkey year started on the 4th of February for the solar calendar: the 8th of February is for the lunar start. It is therefore the right time to see what the year has in store for your sign of birth, based on the Chinese Zodiac. In this series of 12 articles I will explore with you the […]

Chinese horoscope 2016: the Monkey year’s forecast for the Rat.