The Tiger horoscope for 2017, year of the Fire Rooster.

Before you read the Tiger horoscope for 2017, year of the Fire Rooster, you might want to understand the Chinese calendar concepts. The introduction to these predictions can be found in this article: 2017 Horoscope for the 12 Chinese signs: year of the Fire Rooster.

Horoscope 2017 for the Tiger

2017 is a very interesting year for you. Tigers. 2016 was most uncomfortable for you: with the direct opposition of the Monkey, your natural enthusiasm and outgoing personality was not often welcomed. It could have been the year of a burnout actually…You had to adapt to the energy of people and situations around you, and were forced to become more of a diplomat, more moderate. In 2017 you will go through great changes and evolve. It is a karmic year: beautiful flowers might blossom, but only if you have planted the right seeds. If you haven’t cultivated the right soil during the previous year, and if you only relied on your natural charisma rather than focus on creating good karma…well then this Rooster year could be more difficult. Either way, your evolution can be stopped on its tracks in 2017. You should end this year with new life perspectives.

 The Tiger love life during the Rooster year

The Rooster year is one during which you must learn to love again. The energies at work might manifest some disappointments in your love life at first; this is especially true if your couple is fragile or superficial. It is a period during which putting your head in the sand is not what I recommend. Quite the contrary, a good communication and a couple therapy have better chances to bring good results. When the year stat you could be suspicious or resentful of your partner. This is a minefield and you’d have many reasons to fight. This sentiment prevails until you see that we are all victims of our karmas unless we actively work on it. Your partner might have had a bad behaviour due to familial or ancestral conditioning. Try to see beyond those circumstances. Your enthusiasm and idealism might not be totally in touch with the reality of your partner’s life. The challenge is first to understand rather than judge, and then work together. If however you are on your own, you could feel blue about it in 2017. You will ask yourself if your way is the only way and will start seeing your ego for what he is. Complicated friendships or a love triangle could also be up in the air. If however you work on your fears and approach situations with fear and humility, a nice meeting could surprise you.

The Tiger work and finances during the Rooster year

Astrologically, it is difficult to know for sure what 2017 will bring in those areas of your life. This is due to the fact that the year is very karmic for you and can therefore bring rewards or challenge depending of your past behaviour. Also, this year bring some much subtitle and transformative influences at work for you Tiger that your evolution will depend of your attitude. Those tendencies are as follow.

First, there will be competition at work: regardless of you being an employee or freelancing. This will bring a real stress, and you could temporarily lose your enthusiasm and will to keep further. It is actually a profound lesson: for a sign like you which lives to rule and conquer, how do you handle blocks and tense situations out of your control? Look into this anxiety, retreat for now and wait for a better timing, Tigers. Success in life often come from a knowledge of a good timing…Finally the year should also be surprising. It is entirely possible that a transfer inside your company or a foreign position will be offered to you: it could be a real opportunity to change your life for the better.

If you work steadily, without arrogance and develop a team spirit instead of wanting to eat everyone on your path, you should be rewarded this year Tigers.

For your finances, the influences bring some up and down. Predictions on your financial stability also depend of the rest of your chart. However, possibilities for career evolution could translate into more money if you learn to negotiate cleverly and with hu-mi-li-ty. Remember that strength come from uniting, rather than dividing to rule. 2017 could also be the year of a house move or some investment in real estate, which would explain why you temporarily have less money in the bank.

The Tiger wellbeing during the Rooster year

This area of your life is a bit more at risk. Especially for your mind, you should aim at understanding the energies at work to adapt. For a sign that loves to live at 100% and conquer, how to adapt to a change of pace and face some obstacles that slow you down? You could be depressed for some time in 2017, Tigers, and not understand why you don’t succeed right away. The year ask for a more philosophical perspective and to rethink your approach. Rather than being the feline that prowls, try to stop and study your problem from every angle. By taking your time and adapt each time you perceive some problems, you’ll give yourself the best chances to rebound. If you didn’t learn to adapt to the challenges that were brought in by the Monkey year and just rush forward, it could be difficult…The Dog year of 2018 will once again give you a good energy: so know how to see beyond your current situation. Writing, the contact with nature and some holidays in the sun are the best remedies for you during this Rooster year. To summarise: easy Tiger!

Tiger horoscope 2017

The Tiger sign by Ai Wei Wei, and its 2017 horoscope by Laurent Langlais! Credit: