London Feng Shui & Bazi talk am thrilled to announce this unique talk on The 3 Lucks: how Heaven, Human and Earth factor shape us our lives and can bring us everything…Or nothing! And the ways to find your true self, be aligned with your life mission and be in the flow. We’ll talk about karma, life choices, destiny and of course Bazi (Chinese astrology) and Feng Shui. 

Youtube presentation of the talk can be found here

Here it is for your consideration:


How to have it all?

The 3 Lucks:  the keys to live an abundant life and find your true calling.

A talk on Destiny, Chinese astrology and Feng shui.

Saturday September 27th, 14h30-16h30

I invite you to discover how the 3 Lucks : Heaven, Human and Earth. 

Your destiny, your choices and your home can bring you prosperity or misery. You can have it all, or struggle. Understand why and how to change your life for the better !

TwitterBannerThis unique conference is given by Laurent Langlais, international Feng Shui master, astrologer & psychic, featured this year on BBC The Why factor. Trained in Asia by a 2500 years old lineage, Laurent Langlais is also a known psychic, speaker at the prestigious UK Tarot Conference and part of the book Tarot masters: insights from the world’s leading Tarot experts

£13 at the Door

£11 in advance by


Tel: 07 534 340 135

The talk will be at The King & Queen pub

1 Foley St

London W1W 6DL

Take advantage of the early bird rate to book your ticket, seating is limited. See you there!