Daily Archives: 03/01/2019

Four Pillars Dog month
Here are your Bazi/Four Pillars of destiny, as well as your 12 Chinese signs forecast for the Yang Earth Dog onth of October 2016. I also invite you to read my monthly Bazi forecast for the Dog month and to not miss the chance to experience your Feng Shui luck boost for this month. Remember that while the general influence affects you, […]

Chinese astrology: 12 signs & Bazi forecast for October 2016, ...

QiMenDunJia september 2015
Here it is! A lot of you have asked me again for the Qi Men Dun Jia method to boost your luck each month and so these articles will be back regularly. Last month I was busy with learning how to build homes from natural materials, half-way between London and Brighton, but more on this later on…For now, Qi Men […]

Luck boost with Feng Shui & Qi Men Dun Jia ...